{{ getProgress }}%

You scored: {{ getPercentageScore.toFixed(1) }}%

{{ getOutcome }}

This is the area you need to improve on:

These are the {{ negativeResponses.length }} areas you need to improve on:

{{ index + 1 + ": "}}{{ response.question_category }}

This is what you need to do, top {{questions[response.question_array].top_tips.length}} tips;

More information

Source: {{ information.source }}


This is the area you are doing well:

These are the {{ positiveResponses.length }} areas you are doing well:

{{ index + 1 + ": "}}{{ response.question_category }}

This is what you need to do, top {{questions[response.question_array].top_tips.length}} tips;

More information

Source: {{ information.source }}